Experiences Roskilde Festival Roskilde  Roskilde
What's happening in Roskilde  Sjaelland Central    Region Sealand
What's happening in Roskilde  Region Sealand
Roskilde Festival Smile Tuesday 24-06-2025 to Tuesday 01-07-2025

Roskilde Festival

Havsteensvej 11 4000 Roskilde   More info
Phone: +45 46 36 66 13
book room

Read more about Roskilde Sjaelland Central.

Roskilde Festival

Roskilde Festival is the largest North European culture and music festival and has existed since 1971. We are a non-profit organisation consisting of about 50 full-time employees and thousands of volunteers.Roskilde festival

During the festival itself the number of volunteers increases to about 32,000. These volunteers staff the festival stalls, build stages, provide camping security etc. Most volunteers are from cultural organisations and sports associations in the area. These clubs and societies run most of the stalls at the Festival Site, and with their great variety in goods and atmosphere the stalls contribute to the unique, intimate and exciting ambience at Roskilde Festival.

Non-profit society behind the festival
The Roskilde Festival Charity Society is the organiser of Roskilde Festival. The purpose of the society is to support initiatives benefitting children and young people and to support humanitarian and cultural work. The society's work is independent of party politics and has no geographical borders.

The Roskilde Festival Group is led by CEO, Henrik Rasmussen. He has appointed an executive board consisting of himself and Signe Lopdrup.

Roskilde festivalCamping

You can camp at Roskilde Festival 2015 from Saturday 29 June from 16:00 to Sunday 5 July 16.00.

Roskilde Festival’s camping area is a central part of the big Roskilde experience. Camping is divided into smaller areas where the festival guests live, rest, meet up and party. In the center of each area is a space that we call an agora. Here you can cook, shop, take a shower, get information, get help and chill.

More information about the camping areas facilities

Besides our regular and amazing camping area we have special areas for those who want to bring their caravan or MC, those who want to sleep in the bus they arrive in, those who want to have somebody else put up their tent, those who need a bit of luxury or something completely else.

To get access to these areas you need to buy this as an add-on to your festival ticket. Below you will see an overview of and information about the different add-ons. Click on the individual add-on for more information.

  • Get A Tent – special camping Central and East
    If you want to arrive to a pitched tent.
  • Get A Place
    If you want to be get your own dedicated space for a camp
  • Tenthouse
    If you want a little luxury.
  • Rockwool Shelter
    If you want solid roof over your head.
  • Entrance booking
    If you want to get in first. Only available together with a ticket.

Please notice, it's not possible to reserve two or more tents/areas next to one another. The only way to secure that is by being here as soon as the areas open and claiming the tents/areas available.

Products below will be available later in the season

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