Søfartsmuseet lyddamperen S/S SOUND |
Søfartsmuseet lyddamperen S/S SOUND Ny Kronborgvej 1 3000 Elsinore Denmark
The exhibition on the history of navigation and the art of finding one's way to sea is one of the museum's most popular exhibitions, and has been missed by many. The exhibition tells about 500 years of navigation history, which is also a journey towards more and more precision.
Knejpe Festival 2025 |
Knejpe Festival 2025 Kronborg 2C 3000 Elsinore Denmark
Igen i år kan du glæde dig til to dage med rendyrket sømandsmusik og sange fra de varme lande, når Knejpe Festivalen løber af stablen på Helsingørs mange små værtshuse