Hobro North_Sealand    Region Hovedstaden
Attractions se and do Hobro  Viking Fortress Fyrkat Hobro Fyrkatvej 37 B  
Viking Fortress Fyrkat Smile 

Viking Fortress Fyrkat

Fyrkatvej 37 B 9500 Hobro
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Viking Fortress Fyrkat

Outside Hobro is a testimony to the Viking Age (ca. 750-1050), Viking Fortress Fyrkat.

There have been several Viking fortresses around Denmark. There is only two preserved castles, Fyrkat and Trelleborg. However, there are traces of other two Viking fortresses: Nonnebakken at Odense and Aggersborg by the fjord.

The Viking Age is a historically important moment in the history of Denmark. Read about the Viking Age

Vikingeborgen Fyrkat se fra et fly
The Viking Fortress Fyrkat

Falkoneropvisning ved vikingecenter Fyrkat
Falkoner show

Vikingemarked på Fyrkat
Viking market


About Viking castles
Viking Borge's circle castles, also known as Trelleborge, named after Trelleborg near Slagelse. Fyrkat is of the same type.
Purpose with the construction of the circle castles are not yet known, but from dendrochronological studies can be dated by the time of their construction rather accurately. They are all built around 1000 AD Fyrkat is from about 980th

Dybøl Mølle danmark
Viking Villages

discussion about whether Trelleborg has been used as reception centers for Viking armies in their expeditions, which trading places or royal power centers, is not yet complete. one thing is certain. Behind the completion of these extensive building complex has been a strong central power, as these have required significant administrative network and work to be carried out.

About Fyrkat
Fyrkat consists of a four-meter high earth wall, the so-called ring violence intersected by four gateways from which straight lines, plant axes crossed the center of the square.
The axes are marked with concrete piles and these helps to illustrate the four sections, each with four exact houses Fyrkat are divided.

Viking Centre Fyrkat
By Fyrkat is Viking Centre, which has exhibits on Fyrkat history, the other Trelleborge and the Vikings.

Viking Fyrkat consists of the historic ring fort Fyrkat 980 and Viking Farm, which is 9 reconstructed houses together constitute a large man Viking property.

Both residential houses and shops are built of oak timber with mud walls and thatched roofs.

Viking Farm form during season, of many Viking activities, eg. viking clothing, uldarbejde, forging and shooting with bow and arrow.

Viking Games and market
For bring to life the Viking Age to the public has established a amateur association "Fyrkat Theatre". Its members write action texts and behave every summer a kind of total theater that conducted in the reconstructed longhouse and with the audience as participants in piece.

Prior to the performances offered a vikingetaffel with bålstegt lamb, vegetables and bread.

Fyrkat Theatre is now widely used and known, and has put the city Hobro on Cultural map of Denmark.

addition held Viking market a few weekends a year. In these markets tells stories and anecdotes about the Viking Age, and given samples of food that could have been prepared at the time.

Adresse:Vikingecenter Fyrkat Hobro

Vikingecenter Fyrkat
Fyrkatvej 37 B,
9500 Hobro

Information -kiosk: +45 31 99 06 67

Hobro Museum,
Vestergade 23
9500 Hobro

Phone: +45 99 82 41 75


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Attractions:         Viking Fortress Fyrkat        JØRN UTZON CENTER        Aalborg Zoo        Denmark's Salt Center

Viking Fortress Fyrkat, Clik on Viking Fortress Fyrkat Hobro and book room directly on Viking Fortress Fyrkat website. At a short distance from Viking Fortress Fyrkat at Hobro, you can choose one of the many restaurants and eateries in Hobro

Phone:   Viking Fortress Fyrkat

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Viking Fortress Fyrkat Hobro Denmark
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Nordjylland Syd