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Attractions se and do Copenhagen  Amalienborg Palace - the Queen s Palace Copenhagen  


Amalienborg Palace (the Queen s Palace) 

  Amalienborg Palace Copenhagen DenmarkQueen Margrethe II, born 16 April 1940, is since 14 January 1972 Queen Regnant and head of state. Domicile Amalienborg Palace (the Queen s Palace) 

In accordance with the Danish Constitution the Danish Monarch, as head of state, is the theoretical source of all executive, judicial and legislative power. However, since the introduction of parliamentary sovereignty in 1901 a de facto separation of powers has been in effect.           

Queen Margrethe II Denmark The text of the Danish constitution dates back to 1849. Therefore it has been interpreted by jurists to suit modern conditions. In a formal sense, the Monarch retains the ability to deny giving a bill royal assent. In order for at bill to become law, a royal signature, as well as a countersignature by a government minister, is required. The Monarch also chooses and dismisses the Prime Minister, although in modern times this has become a no-option. Today a dismissal would cause a constitutional crisis. King Christian X was the last Monarch to exercise the power of dismissal, which he did on March 28, 1920 sparking the 1920 Easter Crisis. All royal powers called Royal Prerogative, such as patronage to appoint ministers and the ability to declare war and make peace, are exercised by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, with the formal consent of the Queen. When a new government is to be formed, the Monarch calls the party leaders to a conference of deliberation, where the latter advise the Monarch. On the basis of the advice the Monarch then appoints the party leader who commands a majority of recommendation to lead negogiations for forming a new government.


According to the principles of constitutional monarcy, today the Monarch has an essentially ceremonial role, restricted in his or her Michelle Obama visit denmark exercise of power by the convention of parliamentary democracy and the separation of powers. However, the monarch does continue to exercise three formal rights: the right to be consulted, the right to advise and the right to warn. As a consequence of these ideals, the Prime Minister and Cabinet attends the regular meeting of the Council of State.


Christiansborg Palace

The Royal Reception Rooms

The Royal Reception Rooms at Christiansborg Palace are located on the first floor, the so-called bel-é tage, at the north end of the main wing and in the wing running along the courtyard Prince Jørgens Gård.

The Royal Reception Rooms at Christiansborg Palace The Royal Reception Rooms are used for official functions of the Royal Family such as New Year Levee, reception of ambassadors or gala banquets. The Reception Rooms are richly adorned with works of art rescued from the two earlier palaces as well as decorations by some of the best Danish artists from the early 20th century.
Audience Chamber and Council Room

To visit the Royal Reception Rooms

you enter Dronningeporten (Queen s Gate) and go through Drabantsalen (Guards Room). From there you go to Kongetrappen (King s Stairway). At the foot of the stairs are Audiensgemakket (Audience Chamber) and Statsrådssalen (Council Room). The Queen holds an audience every other Monday and attends Council with the government as required. The Queen in Council signs the new laws after they have been agreed upon by the Parliament. The Audience Chamber and the Council Room are the only Royal Reception Rooms that are closed to the public.

Tower Room and Throne Room

The King s Stairway gives access to Tårnsalen (Tower Room). The Tower Room displays a series of tapestries with motifs from Danish Christiansborg Palace Copenhagen Denmarkfolk songs, woven after cartoons painted by Joakim Skovgaard. The Royal Reception Rooms also include the oval Tronsal (Throne Room) where foreign ambassadors are received by Queen Margrethe. The Throne Room gives access to the balcony where the Danish monarchs are proclaimed. The Throne Room is decorated with a large ceiling painting by Kræ sten Iversen, depicting how the Danish flag, Dannebrog, fell from the sky in Estonia in 1219.

Great Hall

The Great Hall is the largest and most spectacular of the Royal Reception Rooms. The Hall is 40 metres long with a ceiling height of 10 metres, and a gallery runs all the way around the room. The Great Hall was renovated on the occasion of Queen Margrethe s 60th birthday when artist Bjørn Nørgaard s 17 tapestries recounting the history of Denmark were hung on the walls. The tapestries were a gift from the Danish business community for Queen Margrethe s 50th birthday.

Christiansborg Palace Great Hall The Royal Reception Rooms also include Fredensborgsalen (Fredensborg Room) with Lauritz Tuxen s painting of King Christian IX and his whole family together at Fredensborg Palace, as well as part of the Queen s Library.

The Prime Minister uses the Royal Reception Rooms as well, particularly in connection with state visits. On such occasions the official banquet is often held in Alexandersalen (Alexander Room). The Alexander Room is decorated with Bertel Thorvaldsen s marble frieze " Alexander the Great Enters Babylon" . The frieze was made for the second Christiansborg Palace, and parts of it survived the fire. It was later restored and mounted in this room.


The Church of the Danish Royal Family

Christiansborg Palace Chapel as we know it today was inaugurated by a commemoration service on Whit Sunday 14 May 1826 to celebrate the 1000 anniversary of the introduction of Christianity to Denmark. From this point in time, the Palace Chapel served as the Christiansborg Palace Chapel Denmarkparish church of the Royal Family and, originally, also of an exclusive congregation of employees at Court, artists at the Royal Danish Theatre, and officials from a number of cultural institutions in the centre of Copenhagen. The Palace Chapel served as the parish church of the Royal Family for exactly 100 years, until 1926. During the years 1930-1965, the Palace Chapel served as the parish church of a special palace parish.

One of the first major religious ceremonies to take place in C.F. Hansen&rsquo s church was the wedding of Prince Frederik, later to become Frederik VII, and Princess Vilhelmine, the daughter of Frederik VI. The wedding took place on 1 November 1828 and was followed by a banquet at the Palace for more than 700 guests. On the occasion of the wedding, the Royal Family started using the newly rebuilt second Christiansborg by staying there for a few days. The second Christiansborg was never fully completed, and the Royal Family used it only seldom.

However, over the years the Palace Chapel has provided the setting for several weddings and other important ceremonies in the history of the Royal Family. In 1878, Princess Thyra, the daughter of Christian IX, married the Duke of Cumberland in the Palace Chapel. In 1892, Christian IX and Queen Louise celebrated their golden wedding with a ceremony in the Palace Chapel, and in 1897 the Palace Chapel provided the setting for the wedding of Princess Ingeborg, the daughter of Frederik VIII, and Prince Carl of Sweden.

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Amalienborg Palace - the Queen s Palace Copenhagen Denmark
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Greater Copenhagen